diary of ungratefulness
the new york times
the memory box
sos humanity: all numbers end
Sketched Out (Victionary)
no more home no more love
i didn't want any flowers
annie dirusso concert poster
wobby club #36: courting
wet concert poster
sketchbook 2024
ginne été & marlena käthe: tour artwork
ich wollte keine blumen
kennich magazin
udk berlin: calendar
berliner zeitung: was es bedeutet links zu sein
they seem to float though they weigh me down
tierindir: die nadel im heuhaufen
the sound of the earth
sketchbook 2022
ibug Festival 2023
Sketchbook 2021
Tierindir: Körper und Sprache
At home
Thought experiments
Şeyda Kurt: Interview
Laut bleiben!
Tierindir: Portraits
SLEEK Magazine: Şeyda Kurt
SNNTG Festival 2022
I am nobody
SNNTG Festival 2023
UdK Berlin: Portraits
Bald, bald
UdK Berlin: Counselling Workshops
Haz Mevlana: Single Cover
The world sees me
I can't run
Tierindir: Tabuthema? Vaginaler Ausfluss